Once your account reaches the storage limit, you won't be able to upload new files or make new edits.
To find out how much space you have left, go to Settings and Usage Information from the More area.
Make roomFree up your My Wall space to make room for new items.
Move your Roketsan Drive files to the trash to delete them. Files in the trash are automatically deleted after 15 days. You can restore files in your trash before the 15-day period expires. You can also permanently delete related files to empty your trash. If you delete, restore, or permanently delete multiple files or folders at once, it may take time to notice the changes.
Deletion via Web Application
Perform user login from your computer.
Select the file & folder you want to delete (multiple selection can be made with the ctrl/cmd (mac) key.)
Select the "Delete" option from the right-click menu and confirm the notification box that appears.
Information: Files deleted with this option are sent to the recycle bin.
Clue: Files must also be deleted from the recycle bin to free up your storage space. Transfer unwanted files to your trash, then delete them permanently.
Clue: The deletion process will be valid on all versions of the file, other versions of the file (if any) must be processed from the File Versions field in order to perform separate operations.
Deletion via Mobile Application
Permanent deletion
Warning: Files deleted in this way are irreversibly deleted. And it frees up storage space.
Quick File Deletion (Version Deletion)
It can perform deletion of previous versions by keeping only the latest versions of the files under the folders.
Important information: This process performs the mass deletion of the versions of your files in the folders you marked. When Quick File Deletion is performed, only the latest version of all files in the marked folders are stored.
Warning: When Permanent Delete is turned off, all deleted files are sent to the recycle bin. When the Permanent Delete option is turned on, all deleted files are subject to permanent deletion. Caution: This action cannot be undone.